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How Does a Blanket Medical Authorization Affect Your Claim?

Wilson & McQueen Jan. 31, 2022

If you are in a serious car accident, you must go to the emergency room for a medical examination. According to Consumer Health Ratings, the average cost just to walk into the ER is more than $1,100. If you need tests, scans, surgical procedures, specialist care or hospitalization, you are likely to pay tens of thousands of dollars more.

You probably do not have enough money in your savings account to cover your accident-related medical expenses. Because you also may not be able to work, you want an insurance company to process your claim as promptly as possible. Still, signing a blanket medical authorization may be a mistake.

What Is a BMA?

A BMA is a seemingly straightforward insurance form that grants the company the authority to review your entire medical history. If you sign a BMA, someone may look into every medical condition you have ever had, every doctor you have ever seen and every medication you have ever taken.

Why Can Signing a BMA Be a Mistake?

It is normal for insurance providers to want to know about your accident-associated injuries and treatments. The rest of your medical file, however, may include something the insurance company can use against you. For example, you may have a prior injury, pre-existing condition or medication that either contributed to the accident or worsened your injuries.

While it can be tempting to comply with every request from the insurance company, the company may not be looking out for your medical and financial interests. Ultimately, by exploring your legal options before signing a BMA, you may increase your odds of receiving a fair insurance settlement